Woo-hoo! We’re so glad you’re interested in joining Troop 658!
Let’s get you set up so you can get Scouting! Please follow the steps below and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Scoutmaster.
STEP 1 >>> The Pacifica District is now having all new BSA scout registrations done online. So parents, head on over to the button below where you’ll be asked to set up a my.Scouting account.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to register your Scout and make your registration to BSA National Council. (Please note, youth cannot register themselves.)
STEP 2 >>> Once you’ve completed the BSA Registration, you’ll need to fill out some form to turn into the Troop (e.g. Medical Forms, Consent Forms, etc.) and turn in Troop Dues. This can all be done by printing and completing the forms below at home and then turning them in at a Troop Meeting to the Troop Registrar.
STEP 3 >>> Start your Troop 658 Scouting Adventure!